
The Courage to Shine Eileen Forrestal

The Courage To Shine

It is said that ‘the most important book you ever read is the one you write yourself’. It was important for me that I wrote this book. Now I would like to find out if what I say could be important for others.

It’s a book about courage and  love .. and forgiveness. I think these are important.

I used to ask myself ”Why would anyone read this book?”  “What can I write that others might be interested in reading?” “Could someone, somewhere benefit from what I have to share?”

Now I say  “If one person benefits from what I have written that will be enough”. 

Judging by the testimonials I have received, I can say with confidence and pride that I have achieved that. 

Maybe by writing my story, I will even encourage you to write yours. 

The book, The Courage To Shine – Find Your Voice and Discover the Healing Power of your Words is available for purchase.