Spring Clean Your Life


Spring is all about renewal.

Nature is busy bursting out with new growth and energy.

We are busy dusting away the cobwebs and clearing out the cupboards.

This year especially we are all bursting to get out into nature, out into the garden to get planting, out into the vegetable plot to get sowing, and out into the wilderness .. and freedom.

Too many of us feel we have been imprisoned in our own homes for waaaaayyy too long. This Covid Crisis is taking a serious toll on our health and wellbeing – both physical and mental.

It’s time to harness the miraculous renewing energy of Spring to support our own wellbeing.

For the Christians among us, we celebrate Easter in Spring. Winter is over. It’s time to welcome new life. Easter is all about miracles – the miracle of the Resurrection and rebirth. Something has to die in order for something to be reborn. The shell must break before the bird can fly. I wonder what it is about Eggs and Easter … We are all familiar with the bright yellow chickens and colourful chocolate eggs and delightful easter bunnies …yet we cannot forget that there is also the element of suffering and death prior to the joy of resurrection. Even our gourmet chocolate Easter Eggs must be broken before we can savour the rewards. Easter comes after 40 days of Lent … 40 days of fasting and self sacrifice – in acknowledgement that suffering sometimes comes before celebration. We don’t enjoy the dark days of winter – but we endure. Without Christmas and its lights, it would be too long for most of us – so the birth of Jesus allows us to celebrate mid way.

Could we truly celebrate anything without having put in the effort – an Exam result without study, an Award without  the hard work? An anniversary, a triumph, a pay check at the end of a busy month?

What about this Spring? What could we celebrate this year? How could we best use this spring energy, other than for cleaning cupboards? What else could we clear out that would allow space for new creation?

Spring energy is visible everywhere … we just need to look around and notice. Even the clock has sprung forward 😉

The buds are blossoming everywhere – growth is unfolding exponentially ..

Nature is not bothered by Covid. In fact, Covid is unfortunately taking advantage of our Human nature and our desire to connect, where we inadvertently use ourselves against ourselves! Language can do the same.

How can we turn this around? How can we use our energy to restore and renew ourselves; to restore our wellbeing and energise us for the year ahead?

What old, spent energy is still ‘pent up’ that needs to be let go of?

What is blocking optimism, hope and positivity? What is not in the direction of growth and evolution?

Where are you permitting negativity to triumph? Negativity only exists in our thinking and our speaking.

There is no ‘no’ in life. There is only ‘no’ in language.

The daffodil does not say “I will not flower today”. The daffodil blossoms.

The sun does not say “I will not shine today”. The sun shines

The wind does not say “I will not blow today”. The wind blows.

The human says … ” I will not ……. today” …  … and nothing happens.

What else could we say? There is power in our words.

In nature, nothing is rushed and all is accomplished. Could we be patient? Could we relax? Could we stop worrying? Could we trust that others are doing their best for us? Could we trust that we are doing our best for ourselves?

It’s time to stop being ‘negative’ and start being ‘positive’ about ourselves and what we can accomplish, despite our circumstances. There is in each of us an indomitable spirit – and its up to us to set it free – to do what it does best – to inspire others – and inspire ourselves in the process. What goes around comes around. Spring has been here before…

The spirit of life cannot be quenched unless we quench it.

So, yes, there has been suffering in this Lockdown. Many people have been infected and many continue to infect others. Many are sick and many have died. Any many more have recovered. Many people are alive today because others have ‘suffered’ the pain of not seeing loved ones, not meeting loved ones and not hugging loved ones.

Physically we cannot be together, but spiritually we do not need to be apart.

There are opportunities to connect and collaborate and contribute on a scale never before possible. Our technological wizardry we can engage with people we never could before.

Set your spirit free … to express your love, your caring, your compassion, your gratitude, your wonder, your curiosity, your gifts, your talents, your natural energy.

It is like the WellSpring of your creativity …  just waiting to be tapped.

Release the tap. Let go any tears, of anger or annoyance or frustration … and get to the source of the well – your own wellbeing …your spirit … and let the love out.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast…. 

In this season of spring time, may you be inspired to keep love and hope alive, to resist the darkness and despair that can dominate the headlines, destroying your peace of mind, and renew your commitment to creating a better world, a world of compassion, gratitude peace and harmony.

Spring is Sprung … now go with the flow and there will be flowers in the summertime.


Articles: 22