Autumn leaves … and peace arrives?

Hello .. and welcome to my October offerings .. I first want to express my gratitude for the fact that I can witness and appreciate the quietly falling leaves. My world is peaceful. My garden is a haven of tranquility. I am a universe away from conflict and turmoil...

Ah … Freedom …

An amusing muse this morning … inspired by a conversation I had with a fellow writer about education and freedom and leadership and ‘building bridges’ … “Everyone wants freedom; but freedom brings responsibility and people are frightened...

What is it about happiness?

As Voltaire, the French philosopher said ‘I choose happiness because it is good for my health.’ Quote from John Lennon …  “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to...

The Dangers of Dialogue …

Ha ha .. And you thought conversation was safe! Why do you think we talk so much about the weather and avoid religion and politics?? We can all agree on the weather .. and the price of bread … But what of religion and politics? Why are we threatened by another...