Ah … Freedom …

An amusing muse this morning … inspired by a conversation I had with a fellow writer about education and freedom and leadership and ‘building bridges’ … “Everyone wants freedom; but freedom brings responsibility and people are frightened...
Friday 13th

Friday 13th

Yes, it’s Friday 13th and for some this is a really bad day. It’s August 2021 and there is an unmitigated tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan. The women and children of that country have already suffered massively under the ruthlessly mysognistic treatment by the...
What is empowerment …

What is empowerment …

and why do we fear it?   There is a lot of talk about ’empowerment’ these days, mostly in the context of personal empowerment. I even describe myself as a Personal Empowerment Coach.  What is this word empowerment and what does it mean to empower or...
So what’s new for you in 2019?

So what’s new for you in 2019?

Will it just be a predictable re-run, ‘same-same but different’ version of 2018 or have you plans and dreams for what could actually be possible for you this year? If only you didn’t have all those really good reasons and excuses! We all have them, the ‘if only’s’, ...