The Messy Middle – of a mid life crisis.

The Messy Middle – of a mid life crisis.

It’s the middle of 2020.  I’m in the middle of my life. I’m in the middle of so many things … tidying my house, rearranging the furniture, reorganising my study, making my shopping list, sorting the laundry, getting my garden into shape....
So what’s new for you in 2019?

So what’s new for you in 2019?

Will it just be a predictable re-run, ‘same-same but different’ version of 2018 or have you plans and dreams for what could actually be possible for you this year? If only you didn’t have all those really good reasons and excuses! We all have them, the ‘if only’s’, ...
Why does the caged bird sing?

Why does the caged bird sing?

“I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being” Maya Angelou. #Me too. I have long admired the wisdom of Maya Angelou.  Her book – ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings’ moved me deeply. In fact I...
On Meaning and Purpose

On Meaning and Purpose

I was asked a question this morning …. Imagine ….. in five years time, and I am being acknowledged publicly for the difference I made ….. the problem I addressed/ solved and the impact my life had ….  and I am receiving an Award ….. what do I want it to be for...
Musings on life, learning and listening …

Musings on life, learning and listening …

I am preparing to give a talk to school students, and I am trying to remember back to those days myself, wondering what had me sit up and listen to what the person in the front of the room was trying to tell me. Blank! School was school and everyone was telling me to...
Lighting Up Your Life

Lighting Up Your Life

Quote: “You are the source of your own wellbeing, success and happiness. You have everything you need inside you to be the best ‘you’ that you can be.” Eileen Forrestal Lighting Up Your Life Quote: “You are the source of your own wellbeing, success and happiness. You...