by | May 26, 2022 | Leadership & Impact

The classic Aslan song … written by a father for his new baby daughter. In that moment of awe and profound awareness of the parent’s responsibility for their newborn child, are we overwhelmed by the enormity of the miracle of this baby human with its unlimited potential and our inadequacy in preparing it for, and protecting it in, an uncertain future in a seemingly crazy world?

Perhaps this is an unfair question … that sets  us up for inevitable failure. We can only protect our children to a point. And maybe the world is not crazy.

We can only protect ourselves and others from dangers we know are there, or assume are there, or believe to be there, but we cannot protect them from dangers of which we are unaware or that are yet to come from some unseen place.

We would be doing them a disservice to anticipate danger at every point and think we/they can/must plan to avoid every eventuality. That could leave us all in a prison of fear, constantly on guard, a recipe for anxiety, mistrust, stress and disease, and not the way to experience the joy of a fulfilling life.


We will serve them better by reminding them that we come with a hugely valuable set of tools – with which we can build a good, if not great, even extraordinary, life for ourselves, in the face of any challenge. We come with heart .. full of love and courage .. we come come with that first inspired breath …that ignites our spirit … we come with muscle and sinew and bone – that strengthens our will, and we come with mind to do what matters – to dream, to create, to serve, to build, to contribute ..

If the world is crazy it’s because we have made it a crazy world, by lots of people doing crazy things. Why do people hurt other people? Why do people lie and deceive? Why do people complain, blame and punish? And why do we justify this ‘crazy’ behaviour?

Do we justify it because we think it’s normal?  How crazy it that?

But we think we’re the normal ones! It’s the others who are crazy, isn’t it? Not us.

The world is full of crazy people. Are we are all driving ourselves crazy with our crazy thinking … about how crazy everything and everyone (else) is .. and trying to protect ourselves from each other !!

What does crazy look like??
Crazy is the new normal.
What would a sane world look like? What about sane people??

Can you tell a sane person from a crazy person in this ‘crazy’ world – on line or offline. Some of the most normal people I know have the craziest ideas .. be it about themselves, their family, their money, their health, their pets, their neighbours, their government …..

Really, what would a sane world look like?

The world is ‘normal’ but quite insane.

How can I protect you in this crazy world ?

I can’t, but you can .. by dwelling  in ‘sanity’, indulging in sane thinking; by participating in sane conversations; by acting in sane ways ..

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”

“The world is a mess. It has always been a mess. It’s our job to straighten out our own lives”.