Autumn leaves … and peace arrives?

Hello ..

and welcome to my October offerings ..

I first want to express my gratitude for the fact that I can witness and appreciate the quietly falling leaves. My world is peaceful. My garden is a haven of tranquility. I am a universe away from conflict and turmoil … unless I choose to bring it near by looking and listening from afar … which I do!

Ignoring anything does not make it ‘go away’, it just keeps us in a state of blissful ignorance .. which may be important for our peace of mind.

I’m lucky that very little disturbs my peace of mind, and I take none of it for granted.

I know life can change forever in an instant. I have experienced that. We all have to varying degrees.

We live in a precarious world. All we truly have is our own experience, our own truth and our own choices under any given circumstance … when we are presented with an option … to stay or go, to speak out or stay silent, to flee or to fight …
Until we are ‘there’, in the situation, we remain clueless as to how we will indeed act. It ‘depends’ .. “what if’ .. I would do x… I wouldn’t do y.. ‘

All we can truly rely on is what we did!

Most of us don’t want to admit how powerless and uncomfortable we are in the face of uncertainty.

We mostly rationalise and justify our interpretation of outside events from a ‘safe space’ based on the experience of being a spectator, an observer, a voyeur, with no ‘skin in the game’, and seek agreement for our perspective, giving us the illusion of having ‘the power of many’ behind us, validating our opinion, reinforcine our view.

And yet, it is still a view.

It’s not an experience.

It is a ‘decision’ .. but not one that gives us real power.

And it leaves us discombobulated, unsettled, anxious … waking us up to the fragility and unpredictability of real life an as ever present threat to our mortality.

What can we do?

How can we be?

The only way to peace is to be peaceful in your own mind and heart. We know ‘conflict’ exists and yet we do not need to fan the flames from the sidelines.

We are lucky.

We are not in the thick of many of the grave and dangerous situations that are happening in the world.

However many are in ‘conflict zones’ closer to home … conflict with partners, family and friends, in the home, in the workplace, in the school yard .. in the echo chambers of democracy …

Conflict is inevitable.

It’s how we deal with the conflict that matters.
How we resolve it.

The only way to deal with it is to get to the source of it, get present to the reality and impact of it, and commit to resolving it … not with empty promises but with honourable intentions.

Action causes results.
Words make a difference.
We want to take people at their word.
We want others to take us at our word.

So, why do we lie?
Why do we betray the trust of others?

It takes courage to tell the truth, to admit that sometimes we don’t know and say, yes, we are willing to find out.
We could risk saying or doing something now, for something better in the future.
That takes trust.
and trust is a gift that is granted.
What if trust, freely given (and accepting it could be betrayed!!) was an opportunity for another to succeed?

Where are you in conflict?

Where do you not experience peace of mind, or peace in your heart?

What if you were willing to leave your resistance behind this Autumn … and trust that what falls to the ground is no longer needed and that letting go is a natural process that allows new beginnings …

If so, then I have something special for you.

I’m offering a One-on-One VIP Day, in my ‘garden room’, where together, we’ll work together to explore the doubts, confusions, fears or conflicts that are limiting your progress, holding you back from peace and freedom.

What if you had that breakthrough in self expression that allows you to have those courageous conversations that could make all the difference in your experience of life, right now?

Let me know if you’re interested in finding out more.

Book a discovery call here:…

Imagine, a whole day just for you 😉

Love & light



Articles: 22