Let’s talk about #Wellbeing

Let’s talk about #Wellbeing and if this aspiration might be a reason to engage a #LifeCoach

Wellbeing means different things to different people, but perhaps we can all agree it’s about enhancing the quality of our lives in those areas of life that are important to us. 

How exactly would you explain ‘wellbeing’? 

Do you agree it’s about more than nutrition and exercise? However, like nutrition and exercise, it’s also a whole body – mind – spirit experience.  

I see wellbeing as being well – in all areas of life; health, relationships, finances etc. – It’s a ‘whole person’ experience, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and is what constitutes the joy of being alive.  

Are you excited about life? 

Are you waking up every morning with passion and purpose? 

Are you really enjoying your one-and-only life? 

Or are you enduring it … hoping or waiting for something to change? 

This is where a #LifeCoach could help. 

We don’t like change. Change causes upset and upset impacts our wellbeing.

Here’s the secret. Making a change in your life doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s likely easier than you think. You have already changed often .. maybe your home, your car, your hairstyle, even your mind!

Without change, things stay the same. It’s great if that’s what you want, but …

Once you decide you want something different, and accept the need for change in order to have it, it’s a matter of identifying the core areas to be addressed, clarifying your vision and goals, and taking baby steps towards your new future. 

Embrace the change. Learn to live with curiosity and wonder. Enjoy the process of discovery, because it’s only by experience, and fully engaging with life that you really begin to feel better, to do better, to look better and to become better. This is about truly being well, the emotional experience of wellbeing. 

Anything less is cheating you out of the experience of being fully alive.

YOU just have to take the first step. You have to want something other than you already have. You have to be willing to engage in #SelfGrowth. If you can get out of the thinking (procrastinating) state and take that first action step towards your new life, a life of health, harmony, wellbeing and happiness, you will be stepping ‘into the driving seat’, and already starting to feel more energised and alive. 

Life isn’t just about getting though to day, nine to five, day after day, year and year .. and the wondering where did it all go.

It can be demoralising, working away the years, having given up on your dreams, waiting for retirement, and resigned to never reaching your full potential. 

Or …

You can choose to live a fulfilled life, explore new opportunities, reigniting some of those long lost dreams … and start to play again.

Would you like that?

The desire to change is the first step.

However, few of us would embark on a new journey without a guide. 

It’s not that we don’t know where to start – it’s that we don’t quite know where were going, that can cause the anxiety!  

I can help guide you as you walk, step by step, towards your desired goals and into a created future, a life of your own design.  

Don’t sleepwalk through life. Wake Up! Now –  and give yourself a chance to shine, find your #MotivationForLife Find your #LifeCoach and get in the driving seat with your co-pilot. 

What do you think would be an experience of well-being? 

            1) Vitality and aliveness 

            2) Fulfilling relationships

            3) Joyful self-expression

             4) Satisfying and purposeful work 

             5) Achievement and accomplishment 

             6) Gratitude 

             7) Self acceptance and self-care 

             8) Peace of mind 

             9) Love and happiness 

            10) All of the above

Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. The time is now. It’s always now.


Love and Light




Articles: 24