‘Tis the season to be ….

As we approach the season of goodwill, the season “to be jolly”, how are you about that, given the year we have just had … an era that doesn’t look like it will ‘end’ on Dec 31st 2020?

Are you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders ?

Are you overwhelmed by uncertainty, information, misinformation, opinion?

If so, now it the time to evaluate, or re-evaluate, your relationships. What will get us through each day, and through these times – are our relationships – all of them, and consider there are more of them than you think.

We each have countless relationships – with the people who’s lives we interact with, on a regular or irregular basis – as we go through life. Some are more intimate or important than others. Nonetheless these are our relationships – be it with our co-workers, the postman, our mortgage advisor, our hairdresser, our siblings, the dog groomer or our significant other.

Each of these relationships contributes to the quality of our life. If we really want to experience a great quality of life, we must look at the quality of each of our relationships. We must look at our friendships and how we show up in our workplace and our communities.

What gets us through life is not just our mindset or a strategy or our resilience or leadership.

It’s friendship.

It’s companionship.

It’s partnership.

We traverse stormy seas and are in need of some sturdy ships to keep us from crashing on the rocks.

In this digitally enhanced world, turning away from our friends and our relationships and turning towards our machines, seeking connection through yet another ‘screen’, is increasing our sense of isolation and loneliness.

We need to notice and nurture our relationships. We need to feed them with love and compassion, kindness and understanding, acceptance and forgiveness.

Christmas is the time we focus on relationships – to embrace the ones we have, and to pine for those we have lost.

This year we need to make special effort in our relationships – especially when our loved ones are far away.

There are people in our lives this Christmas who will not be with us next Christmas.

There are people who were with us last Christmas who are not here now.

Accepting that this Christmas is like no other, and that our friends and family have experienced a year like no other, really asks of all of us to embrace the true spirit of Christmas – whatever our circumstances or situation – giving each other the gifts of generous speaking – in words of kindness, compassion, love, acceptance, fun, peace and harmony – and generous listening in the same spirit.

Where ever you are, and who ever you are with, find a way the to share the spirit of Christmas.

‘Tis the season to be jolly … make it the season of good will.



Articles: 22