The Messy Middle – of a mid life crisis.

It’s the middle of 2020. 

I’m in the middle of my life. I’m in the middle of so many things … tidying my house, rearranging the furniture, reorganising my study, making my shopping list, sorting the laundry, getting my garden into shape.

I’m in the middle of an On-line Course, a business plan, a marketing strategy, an ‘autobiography’, and getting my finances into order.

I’m in the middle of a family. I’m in the middle of two brothers, 7 cousins, nieces and nephews. I’m in the middle of what happened and what’s going to happen.

I’m in the middle of the countryside, between the earth and the sky. I’m in the middle of the day/night/evening/ morning/week/month/year …

I’m in the middle of this article ….. and I pause. 

A crisis ….

I’m also somewhere in the middle of a world in the middle of a pandemic … it would be good if it was the middle but who knows , somehow it feels like it might just be at the beginning …. 

Back to the middle … 

It seems like I will be in the middle forever. Even when I was born, I arrived into the middle of a relationship, into a family already here, into a history already unfolding, into a society already happening, into a world already in existence. I am a middle child with a middle perspective. I am always in the middle of something. 

There is no beginning and there is no end.

This moment now is always in the middle between the last moment and the next, between yesterday and tomorrow, between the past and the future.

It is the eternal middle, the eternal moment of now. It will never be over, done, tidied, organised, arranged, finished, sorted …. Whew! I can relax.

I can let the pressure off.

This is the middle of life – the messy middle – the occasional muddle – and I’m actually enjoying it.

This pandemic isn’t much fun though …. 



Articles: 22